Goodbye 2021, Hello 2022

The last day of the year is usually a time when I reflect on the past 12 months and set up some new goals for the coming year. The year 2021 was marked by many ups and downs across the country and the world. Well, which year was not? I have gradually gotten used to the ups and downs and look forward to brighter days in 2022. Read More...

Git and GitLab Quick Start Tutorial

This post is a quick start manual for beginners to Git or GitLab. Although this manual aims for the GitLab Enterprise edition on Windows, the instructions apply to general Git and GitLab/GitHub practices. This post assumes that you have already set up a GitLab web account where you can restore and manage your source code. Read More...

Connect to Oracle Database with Python cx_Oracle through LDAP in Ubuntu

Connecting to an Oracle Database with Python cx_Oracle through LDAP is not trivial. It needs to install cx_Oracle module and Oracle Instant Client libraries, as well as set up LDAP settings in the Oracle Client. This post describes the processes to set up a connection to an Oracle Database on-premises with Python on a Ubuntu 18.04 LTS Virtual Machine in Microsoft Azure. Read More...

My Reflections on 2020 and Resolutions for 2021

2020 is over, and brighter days are coming. On the last day of 2020, I want to reflect on the past year and set up something new for 2021. The COVID-19 changed our lives and caused many losses, but I was, lucky enough, able to get on some new habits, challenges, and achievements in 2020. Read More...