The last day of the year is usually a time when I reflect on the past 12 months and set up some new goals for the coming year. The year 2021 was marked by many ups and downs across the country and the world. Well, which year was not? I have gradually gotten used to the ups and downs and look forward to brighter days in 2022.


Reflections on 2021

Changing and Challenging

I started a new role as Manager of Data Science at FedEx Dataworks since July of 2021. I have been enjoying the opportunity of new challenges. I started with building my own data scientist team, and it was challenging working on six projects without team members. I have spent almost six months hiring because the hiring had been challenging during 2021. I finally got all four team members onboarded by the end of 2021. I’m confident that they are the best ones I can find and look forward to doing great jobs together with them.

Reading and Writing

I started the year to read one book and write a blog a month. Life and work got changed and I have been super busy, so I have just read six books and written three blogs.

Here are the books I finished in 2021. My favorite one? I would recommend them all, but I have to say the Noise from Daniel Kahneman, the Nobel Prize winner and the author of Thinking, Fast and Slow, would be the one if you only want to pick one from them.


Here are three tech blogs I have posted. Please feel free to check out, and any comments or suggestions are welcome.

Train, Register and Deploy ML Models to Azure Kubernetes Cluster

Git and GitLab Quick Start Tutorial

Connect to Oracle Database with Python cx_Oracle through LDAP in Ubuntu

Learning and Growing


I have kept learning in Microsoft Azure and have successfully obtained certificates of Data Scientist Associate and Azure Administrator Associate.



I have made significant progress in leading projects and managing teams, which are the two essential responsibilities of a manager. I have learned a lot of leadership skills from the podcast Coaching for Leaders hosted by Dave Stachowiak. I have enjoyed the insightful conversations and relevant books and articles from Dave.

Here are three essential skills I have picked up that have helped me so much in leading business projects:

  • Storytelling with data
  • Bridge technology and business value
  • Influence people with art, science, and humanity


Got started financial investing seriously. Thanks to advice from friends, so far, my investment in both stocks and cryptos are making great gains.

Running and Fitting

In the past 12 months, I have run total 1,027 miles and have completed the goal of 1000 miles of the resolutions for 2021. Based on my investment knowledge, I have to say running is my best investment so far. The runnings I’m doing now is a 401K plan for my body later in my life.


Running helps me lose 15 pounds and makes me more productive. I like the moment of a clean mind after running in the morning and I can get more things done. In addition, running helps spark new ideas. It does not only boosts my energy level, but also helps to trigger solutions to problems and trigger bursts in creative thinking. I have got many great ideas on solutions to complicated technical or business problems while running.

Resolutions for 2022

  • Keep running: total 1,100 miles by the end of 2022.
  • Keep improving in leadership: to be a great manager.
  • Keep learning investment: to be an intelligent investor in 2022.
  • Get more Certifications: Azure DevOps and Azure Developer.
  • Read more books: at least one book every other month.
  • Write more blogs: at least one blog every other month.
  • Better life-work balance: spend more time with my two girls.