Install Apache Web Server on Azure Virtual Machine

Apache HTTP Server is the most used web server software in the world and public cloud services, such as Amazon Web Services and Microsoft Azure, make setting up a Virtual Private Server(VPS) hosting web applications a lot easier than traditional ways that use physical servers. Unlinke many other tutorials that focus on traditional web hosts and configurations for running PHP and/or .NET applications, this post presents steps of installing and configuring Apache HTTP Web Server on an Azure Ubuntu Virtual Machine to host Flask Web applications. Read More...

How to Use pip behind a Proxy

I often need to use the python package manager pip to install a python package on my office computer that is behind a proxy. Without specifying the proxy info, it always pop up Connection refusederrors. Following settings and commands can be used to make ‘pip install’ work smoothly. Read More...

A Quick Reference of Markdown

A learning note of Markdown

Markdown is a way to write web content. Formatting text in Markdown doesn’t do anything fancy like changing font size, color, or type in CSS, instead it only defines different formatting elements through putting a few symbols, such as asterisks(*) and backticks(`), around plaintext to display the plaintext as bold, headers, lists, code blocks, etc. Technically speaking, Markdown is simplier than HTML and CSS to format your web content. This is one of the reasons why I moved my blog from to Github Pages. In this post I listed out some frequently used formatting elements syntax in Markdown. It have been used as a quick reference for my daily writing. Read More...

Migrating from Windows to Ubuntu

Some tips and tricks for Ubuntu installation

If you get tired with Windows or Mac, like me, you might want to consider migrating to Ubuntu Trusty 14.04, which is the Long Term Support (LTS) version of the Ubuntu operating system for desktop PCs and laptops. It can be downloaded from Ubuntu official site for free and it is easy to install following the instructions there. Recently, I just downloaded and installed it on my old HP Compaq 6510b laptop. Comparing to almost 20 GBs of my old Windows 7 system, my new Ubuntu system only occupies 6.3 GBs and runs much faster. Read More...