Install Python 3 Distributions on a Linux Server

As a data scientist, I often need to run Python scripts on Linux servers. The vast majority of CentOS/RHEL-based Linux servers use Python 2.6.6, while most of my Python applications are written in Python 3. In additoin, on most of the servers, I don’t have the sudo priviledge, so it needs a little trick to install Python 3 on those servers. This post is a step-by-step instructions on installing Python 3.6 through both Anaconda and Python Gzipped source tarball file on a CentOS/RHEL-based Linux server. Read More...

Install Apache Web Server on Azure Virtual Machine

Apache HTTP Server is the most used web server software in the world and public cloud services, such as Amazon Web Services and Microsoft Azure, make setting up a Virtual Private Server(VPS) hosting web applications a lot easier than traditional ways that use physical servers. Unlinke many other tutorials that focus on traditional web hosts and configurations for running PHP and/or .NET applications, this post presents steps of installing and configuring Apache HTTP Web Server on an Azure Ubuntu Virtual Machine to host Flask Web applications. Read More...

How to Use pip behind a Proxy

I often need to use the python package manager pip to install a python package on my office computer that is behind a proxy. Without specifying the proxy info, it always pop up Connection refusederrors. Following settings and commands can be used to make ‘pip install’ work smoothly. Read More...