I often need to use the python package manager pip to install a python package on my office computer that is behind a proxy. Without specifying the proxy info, it always pop up Connection refusederrors. Following settings and commands can be used to make ‘pip install’ work smoothly.

On Windows

You can manually set up proxy environment variables through right-click on This PC (Windows 10) or Computer (Widnows 7) –> Proporties –> Advanced system settings –> Environment variables then add environment variables:

  1. User variable(only for current login user):

    • Variable: HTTP_PROXY
    • Value: http://proxyserver:port


    • Variable: HTTPS_PROXY
    • Value: https://proxyserver:port
  2. System variable(all users):

    • Variable: HTTP_PROXY
    • Value: http://proxyserver:port


    • Variable: HTTPS_PROXY
    • Value: https://proxyserver:port

You can also set up the proxy through comand lines:

set http_proxy=http:<span>//[username:password@]proxyserver:port
set https_proxy=https<span>://[username:password@]proxyserver:port

After setting up proxies, then you can install packages through running:

pip install somepackage

Alternativelly, you can also specify proxy settings in the pip command:

pip install --proxy=https<span>://[username:password@]proxyserver:port somepackage

On Linux

Set up the proxy through

export https_proxy=https<span>://[username:password@]proxyserver:port

and then install package:

pip install somepackage

or specify proxy in pip command:

sudo pip install --proxy= https:<span>//[username:password@]proxyserver:port somepackage